Central’s Fall Conference Schedule Posted

Date September 17, 2008

I just got a Facebook note that the Conference schedule for Central Baptist Theological Seminary’s Fall Conference is now available.

I look to go to this every year, but something always seems to come up.

Conference Schedule

Be Still My Soul: Experiencing God’s Love in a Hurting World
Conference Co-Hosted by
Fourth Baptist Church & Central Baptist Theological Seminary

Addicted to Blogging?

Date September 12, 2008

78%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Children, Go Where I Send Thee

Date September 5, 2008

Below are the lyrics from one of my favorite childhood songs. We loved listening to the Cathedral Quartet, especially on vacations through the mountains of Tennessee.

Children, Go Where I Send Thee
Author: Unknown
Copyright: Public Domain
Albums: Worship His Glory: Acapella Praise (1993)

1. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee one by one
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

2. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee two by two
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

3. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee three by three
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

4. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee four by four
Four was the four that stood at the door
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

4. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee five by five
Five was the Gospel preacher
Four was the four that stood at the door
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

5. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee five by five
Five was the Gospel preacher
Four was the four that stood at the door
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

6. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee six by six
Six was the six that couldn’t get fixed
Five was the Gospel preacher
Four was the four that stood at the door
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

7. Children, go where I send thee
(Well, Lordy, then) Where will you send me?
I’m gonna send thee twelve by twelve
Twelve was the twelve disciples
Eleven was the gospel writers
Ten was the ten commandments
Nine was was the nine that wrestled fine
Eight was the eight that stood was the gate
Seven was the seven that came down from Heaven
Six was the six that couldn’t get fixed
Five was the Gospel preacher
Four was the four that stood at the door
Three was the Hebrew children
Two was Paul and Silas
One was a little bitty baby
Born by the virgin Mary
Wrapped in swaddling clothing
Laid down in a manger
Born, born, born in Bethlehem

Children Go Where I Send Thee (Fairfield Four)
Not exactly the Cathedral Quartet, but you get the sound.

Internet Addiction and the Christian Life

Date July 31, 2008

How much of a ‘good’ thing is too much?

Manuel Baigorri

of Northwestern University / Medill School reports on how “Internet addiction may be one click away.”

It is so easy to fall into the temptation of what the internet can ‘give.’

Kimberly Young, clinical director of the Center for Internet Addiction
Recovery and author of the book “Caught in the Net,” said that about 5
percent to 10 percent of Americans –15 to 30 million people — may
suffer from Internet addiction. And the problem may be even greater
elsewhere. Young said 18 to 30 percent of the populations of China,
Korea and Taiwan, where the Internet is even more popular than in the
U.S., may be addicted.

This article also reminded me of one from Ryan Martin @Immoderate. In the post,Albert N. Martin (A Fresh Look at Christian Liberty #21) states…

You may have full liberty in Christ. I think of some of you young
people, you are absolute fools. You sit down with unstructured time,
unmonitored access to the internet. You’re fools! “But I’m free to do
it.” Yeah, you’re free to destroy yourself, bloody your conscience,
ensnare yourself in some of the most vicious, crippling bondage known
to man!

Sing Thy Redeeming Grace

Date July 23, 2008

I was just sifting through some blog posts in Reader while setting up my links. I came across an awesome song that is rarely sung. My mind instantly went back to T4G and how incredible it was to sing with 5,000 plus. When we sang the last verse A cappella, the words became so alive.

How sweet and awful is the place
With Christ within the doors,
While everlasting love displays
The choicest of her stores.

While all our hearts and all our songs
Join to admire the feast,
Each of us cry, with thankful tongues,
“Lord, why was I a guest?”

“Why was I made to hear Thy voice,
And enter while there’s room,
When thousands make a wretched choice,
And rather starve than come?”

‘Twas the same love that spread the feast
That sweetly drew us in;
Else we had still refused to taste,
And perished in our sin.

Pity the nations, O our God,
Constrain the earth to come;
Send Thy victorious Word abroad,
And bring the strangers home.

We long to see Thy churches full,
That all the chosen race
May, with one voice and heart and soul,
Sing Thy redeeming grace.

–Isaac Watts

Songs from Together for the Gospel

iPhone adds Google Reader

Date July 11, 2008

From the Google Reader blog

Google Reader for iPhone

Google has released a Beta version of Reader for Safari.

You can use it by visiting http://www.google.com/reader/i/ on your phone.

If you haven’t discovered Google reader yet, check out Abraham (and Molly) Piper’s Step-by-Step Guide to Google Reader

On another beautiful day from Chetek, WI
Just finished with TEAM (Teens Entering Active Ministry) Training session with Matt Williams


Date July 2, 2008

Now posting using ScribeFire add-on in Mozilla 3.

Prayer Matters

Date April 19, 2008

DPP_0043, originally uploaded by john.cobb.

C.J. “at this point it’s a good thing you have a ‘continuationist’ praying for you.”

The look that R.C. gave was hilarious!

Praise the Lord, R.C. went on to preach one of the best sermons of his life.

Hello world!

Date April 18, 2008

Welcome to {my} WordPress.

My name is Micah Tanis, American born and bread, sinner of sinners. For some reason never to be known by me, God chose me to partake of His riches. I am ever grateful to those who go before the throne of God on my behalf. My continual prayer is that God could somehow use this replaceable clay pot to bring glory to Him. I trust this blog will have serve as an encouragement and resource as you press on towards Celestial City.

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